
Studio Brunnenstrasse 64 artist paintings

March 17, 2022


A nice surprise today and for the weekend…

The Tagesspiegel (the German “Daily Mirror”) editor-in-chief, Lorenz Maroldt, gives recommendations for the weekend in this cultural supplement "Ticket". One tip concerns me. :)

"A visit to David Antonides' Weddinger Werkgalerie is not without danger for three reasons. 1) It may happen that the rest of the day's plans go off the rails. 2) Those who don't pay attention to the floor because their eyes are glued to the art easily stumble. 3) Those weak in decision-making begin to suffer (I solved the problem by buying four paintings by David over the years). Particularly impressive: the city views (New York, Berlin, Athens) and the glass art (for the Humboldt competition, among others)